Get structured data from any website - we handle all the code and maintenance
Let us do the hard work for you. Our AI is trained to code scripts that can crawl and extract the web data you need.
Build intelligent scrapers in a few minutes using prompts
Self-healing scripts fix code as websites change
We've got you covered with proxies, infrastructure, and antibot evasions - we scrape 1M+ pages/day in a compliant manner.
Configure and view the status of all your web extraction jobs in real-time. We automatically alert you to unexpected changes in the data.
Track metrics like rows produced and completion time
We ensure collections match the expected data profile
Do you collect data from the web to drive decisions?
We can help you extract data with higher reliability, lower costs, and no hassle.
We automate the entire process of collecting data from the web including proxies, infrastructure, anti-bot evasions, business logic, and data quality monitoring. You simply define your data needs and our system handles the rest.
Yes, we offer flexible integration options, supporting various file types, cloud storage services, BI tools, and communication channels.
We employ end-to-end encryption, deliver data to customer's VPCs, and offer customizable role-based access controls. Our AI does not train on the data provided to customers.
Due to overwhelming demand at the moment, we are only doing discounted paid trials with full refunds if we do not meet SLAs.
Each unique job has a monthly subscription price, which is calculated after the user enters in the website and schema. Pricing is determined by a combination of the number of pages to scrape and the difficulty to collect data from given website.
We follow strict compliance standards as we work with several financial institutions. We do not collect data behind login screens or paywalls. We do not agree to terms and conditions via clickwrap agreements. And we do not solve Captchas or falsely verify that we are human.
Read through the latest discoveries we've made in extracting data from the web, building data products, and serving new use cases.
Start leveraging web data to produce granular insights
Store Locations, Google Maps and Honeycombs - Why we wrote an algorithm for tiling an arbitrary polygon with hexagons